Solidarity With Frito Lay Workers!

Workers in Local 218 of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union voted to approve a new contract and officially ended their nearly three week long strike. Anthony Shelton, the union's international president, stated the workers "have shown the world that union working people can stand up against the largest food companies in the world and claim victory for themselves, their families and their communities." Frito Lay workers had been on strike for nearly three weeks over working conditions including a manufacturing plant where temperatures would rise to over 100 degrees and in the parlance of the workplace "suicide shifts" where workers were assigned to work two twelve hour shifts separated by only eight hours off work. We in the Boise DSA commend and stand in solidarity with our fellow working class sisters and brothers in successfully fighting against the interests of capital and winning a vote for a more equitable contract.


Solidarity with Railroad Workers!


Solidarity With Cuba!