DSA Night School: Seattle General Strike of 1919

After the Russian October Revolution in 1917, the increasing militancy of the American northwest labor unions of the longshoreman, shipbuilding, timber and mining industries, including the IWW, were making Seattle police, businessmen, and politicians nervous. Many of the workers were anarchists and socialists angry about their working conditions and pay. Sixty five thousand workers went on strike February 6 - 11, 1919, a general strike, shutting down the city in order to show the power of worker unity. Unfortunately, the opposition used the city shut down to turn the American people against the workers.

Join us for a discussion about America’s radical labor movement, what a general strike is, and what we can learn from this forgotten moment. Special Guest: Austin Hayes, Olympia DSA Night School (Washington)

When: Tuesday, May 26 @ 7:00 PM

Where: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88475015657 Recommended Readings: “When Workers Stopped Seattle” by Cal Winslow https://jacobinmag.com/2019/07/seattle-general-strike-1919-union-organizing

“General Strikes, Mass Strikes, by Kim Moody https://solidarity-us.org/atc/160/p3679/

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